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Samtliga lediga anställningar vid Avdelningen för genusvetenskap i Lund utannonseras och söks online via universitetets Sökandeportal.

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Till Sökandeportalen - lediga tjänster vid Lunds universitet 

Lediga tjänster

PhD-position in Gender Studies

Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary subject within the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University. Gender Studies has a well-developed research environment with clear roots in feminist, queer, and trans, as well as post/decolonial, theory and method. Researchers in the environment are prominent in developing and problematizing various understandings of gender and gender relations and have a long tradition of exploring gender and sexuality from a critical, intersectional, postcolonial, and interdisciplinary perspective in global and local contexts.

We are now recruiting a PhD student in the Division of Gender Studies. 

Read more about the position and apply

English: PhD-position in Gender Studies - Varbi.com

Svenska: Doktorand i Genusvetenskap - Varbi.com

PhD-Position in Gender Studies: Gender Struggles in the New Conjuncture

The research program Gender Struggles in the New Conjuncture investigates contemporary gender struggles in Europe, analyzing how feminist and LGBTQI+ mobilizations interact with rising anti-gender movements. At a time of democratic decline, the project aims to examine how struggles over gender and sexuality shape contemporary political and social landscapes in Europe. The project investigates both feminist and LGBTQI+ movements struggling for expanded rights and anti-gender movements opposing these advancements. Ultimately, the research will provide new insight into the emergence of new normative foundations for society in the wake of today’s divergent mobilizations. 

We are recruiting a PhD-student in Gender Studies for conducting research within the frames of the research program.

Read more about the position and apply

English: PhD-Position in Gender Studies: Gender Struggles in the New Conjuncture - Varbi.com

Svenska: Doktorand i Genusvetenskap, Kampen om genus i en populistisk tid - Varbi.com

Gaveln på Gamla lungkliniken med en spiraltrappa i stål.