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Mia Liinason. Foto.

Mia Liinason

Forskningsansvarig | Professor

Mia Liinason. Foto.

Towards a Socio-Legal Robotics: A Theoretical Framework on Norms and Adaptive Technologies


  • Stefan Larsson
  • Mia Liinason
  • Laetitia Tanqueray
  • Ginevra Castellano

Summary, in English

While recent progress has been made in several fields of data-intense AI-research, many applications have been shown to be prone to unintendedly reproduce social biases, sexism and stereotyping, including but not exclusive to gender. As more of these design-based, algorithmic or machine learning methodologies, here called adaptive technologies, become embedded in robotics, we see a need for a developed understanding of what role social norms play in social robotics, particularly with regards to fairness. To this end, we i) we propose a framework for a socio-legal robotics, primarily drawn from Sociology of Law and Gender Studies. This is then ii) related to already established notions of acceptability and personalisation in social robotics, here with a particular focus on iii) the interplay between adaptive technologies and social norms. In theorising this interplay for social robotics, we look not only to current statuses of social robots, but draw from identified AI-methods that can be seen to influence robotics in the near future. This theoretical framework, we argue, can help us point to concerns of relevance for questions of fairness in human-robot interaction.


  • Institutionen för teknik och samhälle
  • AI och samhälle
  • Fastighetsvetenskap
  • LU profilområde: Mänskliga rättigheter
  • eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration
  • Genusvetenskapliga institutionen








International Journal of Social Robotics


Artikel i tidskrift




  • Law and Society
  • Gender Studies
  • Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
  • Robotics


  • socio-legal robotics
  • social norms
  • gender studies
  • mirroring of norms
  • adaptive technologies
  • social robotics
  • AI and ethics
  • AI and norms
  • AI governance
  • AI transparency
  • sociology of law




  • Perceptions of AI and robotics in Sweden and Japan
  • Fairness in social robotics: gender as a case study for developing a multidisciplinary framework for social robotics and socio-legal studies of AI
  • Bridging Sociology of Law and Robots through Health Care and Feminism


  • AI and Society


  • ISSN: 1875-4805