I earned my PhD in 2015 from the Department of Sociology at Lund University. Since 2015, I have taught and researched at the Department of Gender Studies.
I am currently Director of Studies at the Department of Gender Studies and Programme Director for the Social Studies of Gender Master Programme at the Graduate School.
Research Areas
- Social justice and law
- Studies of racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism
- Feminist and antiracist perspectives on violence
- Postcolonial and decolonial theories
- Feminist methodologies and methods
Current Research and Teaching
My research is concerned with law, both as a tool used by social movements and activists in struggles for social justice and as an instrument of power. In my research I have been interested in exploring potential and limits of using law and legal arenas for feminist, anti-racist and other struggles for justice.
In my PhD thesis, later published as a book, I analyzed the ways in which the Swedish judiciary defines and understands anti-Muslim racism. Another research project The court as an emerging arena for struggles against and about racism (together with Maja Sager) explored ways in which antiracist activists and movements engage in different legal practices. Here we analyzed different legal cases to understand diversity of antiracist forms of engagement, but also different theoretical traditions and ideological approaches to law and the judiciary.
I have also studied issues of reproductive justice in times of anti-gender mobilizations. My focus there was more specifically on right-claims and the use of legal arguments by anti-abortion activists. In the coming years, I will continue to work with this topic within a larger project entitled “Gender struggles in the new conjuncture. Gender, sexuality and the future of human rights in the 21st century”, together with Mia Liinason and Ov Cristian Norocel.
Feminist, anticolonial and antiracist perspectives on violence is another topic that I have been interested in. One of the results of this interest is the special issue of Tidskrift för genusvetenskap on feminist perspectives on peace and war, edited together with Riya Raphael.
Parallel to this research, I have reflected on and written about feminist methodologies and methods. As part of Critical Methodologies Collective, I published a book on politics and ethics of representation in qualitative research. Most recently, I have edited – together with Maja Sager and Mia Liinason – a handbook in feminist research methods.
I teach classes in feminist and post-colonial theories and theories of racism, nationalism and migration as well as in feminist perspectives on law and justice. I also teach methods, methodologies and theories of knowledge for feminist and critical research.
I am member in several collectives and groups: Critical Methodologies Collective, anticolonial group, network of new generation of scholars of antisemitism, Nordic Research Collective for Critical Racism Studies.
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Skalans betydelse i feministisk forskningsdesign
Vasna Ramasar, Marta Kolankiewicz
(2024) Genusvetenskapliga forskningsmetoder , p.95-111
Del av eller Kapitel i bokGenusvetenskapliga forskningsmetoder
Marta Kolankiewicz, Mia Liinason, Maja Sager
(2024) Genusvetenskapliga forskningsmetoder , p.11-26
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDokumentanalys i feministiska studier
Marta Kolankiewicz
(2024) Genusvetenskapliga forskningsmetoder , p.341-357
Del av eller Kapitel i bokLagen som farmakon – Antirasistiskt engagemang i juridiken
Marta Kolankiewicz, Maja Sager
(2024) Antirasismer och antirasister : Realistiska utopier, spänningar och vardagserfarenheter , p.336-359
Del av eller Kapitel i bok"Redan att titta bort är att hjälpa" : Intervju med Nina Boichenko och Natalia Judzinska
Marta Kolankiewicz
(2023) Mana : antirasistisk tidskrift, 4 p.34-37
Artikel i tidskriftIntroduction: Reproductive Justice and Transnational Feminism
Rebecca Selberg, Marta Kolankiewicz, Diana Mulinari
(2023) Struggles for Reproductive Justice in the Era of Anti-Genderism and Religious Fundamentalism , p.1-9
Del av eller Kapitel i bokRights Claims in Anti-abortion Campaigns in Poland and Sweden
Rebecca Selberg, Marta Kolankiewicz
(2023) Struggles for Reproductive Justice in the Era of Anti-Genderism and Religious Fundamentalism , p.155-177
Del av eller Kapitel i bokTema: Feministiska perspektiv på fred och krig
(2023) Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, 43
Tidskrift: redaktörFeministiska dilemman i krigstid
Riya Raphael, Marta Kolankiewicz
(2023) Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, 43 p.4-4
Artikel i tidskriftCritical legal practices. : Approaches to law in contemporary anti-racist social justice struggles in Sweden
Maja Sager, Marta Kolankiewicz
(2022) Studies in Social Justice, 16
Artikel i tidskriftClandestine migration facilitation and border spectacle: criminalisation, solidarity, contestations
Marta Kolankiewicz, Maja Sager
(2021) Mobilities, 16 p.584-596
Artikel i tidskriftIntroduction
Pankhuri Agarwal, Pouran Djampour, Eda Hatice Farsakoglu, Marta Kolankiewicz, Tove Lundberg, et al.
(2021) The Politics and Ethics of Representation in Qualitative Research : Addressing Moments of Discomfort
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe ethics of renaming : On challenges and dilemmas of anonymization in a study of anti-Muslim racism
Marta Kolankiewicz
(2021) The Politics and Ethics of Representation in Qualitative Research : Addressing Moments of Discomfort , p.113-127
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe workshop “Classroom as a contested space”
Arlette Garduño, Andrea Tock, Marta Kolankiewicz
(2020) Interdisciplinary pedagogy in higher education : Proceedings from Lund University’s Teaching and Learning Conference 2019 , p.118-126
KonferensbidragThe court as an arena for social contestations. Conceptualisations and understandings of racism
Maja Sager, Marta Kolankiewicz
Konferensbidrag: abstractAnti-Muslim Racism on Trial : Muslims, the Swedish Judiciary and the Possibility of Justice
Marta Kolankiewicz
BokStruggles over Human Smuggling in Court: Challenging National and European Border Regimes
Maja Sager, Marta Kolankiewicz
Konferensbidrag: abstractThe Ethics of Renaming. On challenges and dilemmas of anonymization in a study of anti-Muslim racism
Marta Kolankiewicz
Konferens - annatCloseness and Distance in Media Reports on the Trollhättan Attack
Marta Kolankiewicz
(2018) Palgrave Studies in Crime, Media and Culture , p.235-253
Del av eller Kapitel i bokNär hatbrott mot muslimer kallas någonting annat
Marta Kolankiewicz
(2017) Mana : antirasistisk tidskrift
TidningsartikelThe court as an emerging arena for struggles against and about racism
Marta Kolankiewicz, Maja Sager
Konferensbidrag: abstractThe court as an emerging arena for struggles against and about racism – experiences and strategies of organizations working with law as a tool for social change
Maja Sager, Marta Kolankiewicz
Konferensbidrag: abstractTema: I lagens namn
(2017) Mana : antirasistisk tidskrift, 2017
Artikel i tidskriftCloseness and distance in media reports on the Trollhättan attack
Marta Kolankiewicz
Konferensbidrag: abstractCloseness and distance in media reports on the Trollhättan attack
Marta Kolankiewicz
Konferensbidrag: abstractAnti-Muslim Violence and the Possibility of Justice
Marta Kolankiewicz
(2015) Lund Dissertations in Sociology, 109
DoktorsavhandlingFighting racism? Anti-racist Legislation in Practice – An Analysis of Islamophobic Hate Crimes in Sweden in the Period 2006-2009
Marta Kolankiewicz
Konferensbidrag: abstract’Stick tillbaka till ditt jävla islam eller vad du kommer ifrån, din jävla blatte!’ – Hate Speech and Construction of a Muslim Subject
Marta Kolankiewicz
Konferens - annatWhere discourse ends: The discursive and the non-discursive in Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory and in Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis
Marta Kolankiewicz
(2012) Pondering on methods A variety of methodological concerns , p.123-136
Del av eller Kapitel i bokResearching Racist Violence - Methodological Aspects of the Study of Islamophobic Hate Crimes and Discrimination in Sweden
Marta Kolankiewicz
Konferens - annatExperiences of Racism and Discrimination among Male Immigrants in Poland
Marta Kolankiewicz
(2011) (Post)Transformational Migration. Inequalities, Welfare State, and Horizontal Mobility, 13 p.273-294
Del av eller Kapitel i bokIn whose name? Ayaan Hirsi Ali in the Shadow of Islamophobia and in the Context of Contemporary Feminist Debates
Marta Kolankiewicz
Konferensbidrag: abstract„Bardzo im współczuję, ale…” – wizerunek uchodźcy w dyskursie politycznym, medialnym i społecznym. Przypadek Kamisy Dżamaldin
Marta Kolankiewicz, Aleksandra Sabik, Magdalena Trojanek
(2008) Uchodźcy: teoria i praktyka , p.84-110
Del av eller Kapitel i bokBetween Science and Life: A Comparison of the Fieldwork Experiences of Bronislaw Malinowski and Kirsten Hastrup
Marta Kolankiewicz
(2008) The Applied Anthropologist, 28 p.76-88
Artikel i tidskrift