My research interests are citizenship, nation, globalisation, migration and asylum rights from an intersectional feminist perspective. I understand the issue of migration and migrants’ rights as a key point where issues of global inequalities, neoliberalism and militarism meet issues of nationalism/nativism, racism and sexism in the local and national contexts. I am especially interested in the ways in which restrictive European migration policies produce spaces of irregularity and deportability – and how those spaces are experienced and contested by migrants and activist networks. I also focus on the gendered experiences of the processes of exclusion and resistance. Empirically my focus lies in the area of migration rights as articulated in advocacy and activist movements/networks, as well as the experiences of migrants active in those networks and their experiences of national and European migration politics of control and categorisation. Epistemologically I explore the forms of knowledge produced through the practices and experiences of these movements and mobilisations for social change. My research interests also include antiracist feminism, nationalism, post-colonial theory, critical welfare studies and feminist methodological issues.
Currently I am working together with Marta Kolankiewicz on the project The court as an emerging arena for struggles against and about racism (2017-2020) that is funded by the Swedish Research Council within their special call for research on racism. The project intends to explore courts as an emerging arena on which political and social contestations over racism take place in Sweden. This is done through an in-depth analysis of several cases in which political struggles against and about racism have moved into courts. The purpose of the project is to understand what kind of space courts provide for protection from and debate about racism, and how different forms of activism involving anti-racism, but also racism, are mobilised.
The project Contested Boundaries. An ethnographic study of activist practices for the inclusion of excluded migrants in Sweden, Denmark and the UK was funded by FORTE Marie Curie International Postdoc Programme, COFAS, and was conducted at the Sociology Department, Lancaster University, UK (2012-2014) and at the Centre for Gender Studies, Lund University, Sweden (2014-2015). The study aims to further explore how irregularity and exclusion from social and political rights are challenged and partly shaped by migrants and other actors in civil society through protests and campaigning but also through everyday community building and the creative construction of alternative forms of belonging and routes to social welfare services. Through an ethnographic fieldwork that explores practices of solidarity, support and political organising by and for irregular migrants in Manchester, UK, Malmö, Sweden and Copenhagen, Denmark the study aims to contextualise these practices in the national as well as the local contexts in terms of approaches to integration and processes of inclusion/exclusion. How are social and political rights, belonging and community directly or indirectly conceptualised through these practices? How can we understand the similarities and the specificities of these practices in the three research sites in relation to the local, national and EU contexts of policies and attitudes surrounding migration, citizenship rights, integration and (racialised) notions of family and gender?
Teaching Interests
My teaching experience includes post-colonial feminist theory, migration and globalisation studies; welfare studies; citizenship theory; feminist methodology and epistemological debates; as well as general introductions to feminist theory and gender studies. I also supervise undergraduate dissertations.
Academic networks
I am a member of a FORTE funded research network “Irreguljär migration och irreguljära migranter” (Irregular migration and irregular migrants). The network gathers scholars and PhD students in Sweden with an interest in migration politics and the politics of irregularity. I am also a member of the trans-disciplinary Migrancy Research Group at Lancaster University. In a non-academic context I am a part of the editorial group for the anti-racist magazine Mana and I regularly publish journalistic contributions related to my research interests in the magazine.
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Antiracist and migration rights struggles through the lens of methodological de-nationalism
Maja Sager
(2024) Race, bordering and disobedient knowledge : Activism and everyday struggles in Europe , p.169-198
Del av eller Kapitel i bok”Studenternas aktivism visar en hoppfull strävan.”
Emma Eleonorasdotter, Dalia Abdelhady, David Bowling, Karin Zackari, Victor Pressfeldt, et al.
(2024) Sydsvenskan
TidningsartikelGenusvetenskapliga forskningsmetoder
Marta Kolankiewicz, Mia Liinason, Maja Sager
(2024) Genusvetenskapliga forskningsmetoder , p.11-26
Del av eller Kapitel i bokLagen som farmakon – Antirasistiskt engagemang i juridiken
Marta Kolankiewicz, Maja Sager
(2024) Antirasismer och antirasister : Realistiska utopier, spänningar och vardagserfarenheter , p.336-359
Del av eller Kapitel i bok”Ska vi bedriva den bästa undervisningen och forskningen kan vi inte agera poliser.”
Karin Zackari, Anna Lundberg, Maja Sager, Nina Gren, Till Koglin, et al.
(2023) Sydsvenskan
TidningsartikelIm/Mobile Commons and Trans/National Claims-Making: The Phenomenon of Swedish Afghans in Paris : Nie/mobilne dobra wspólne i trans/narodowe zgłaszanie roszczeń: fenomen szwedzkich Afgańczyków w Paryżu
Emma Söderman, Vanna Nordling, Maja Sager
(2023) Praktyka Teoretyczna, 46 p.97-128
Artikel i tidskriftFrån redaktionen
Maja Sager, Irina Schmitt, Elin Lundell
(2023) Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, 44 p.1-3
Artikel i tidskriftCritical legal practices. : Approaches to law in contemporary anti-racist social justice struggles in Sweden
Maja Sager, Marta Kolankiewicz
(2022) Studies in Social Justice, 16
Artikel i tidskriftWaiting in the welfare lines. Exploring everyday racism as waiting in the migration and unemployment complexes in England and Sweden : Väntan i välfärdens köer: Vardagsrasism som väntan i Englands och Sveriges migrations- och arbetsmarknadskomplex
Paula Mulinari, Maja Sager
(2022) European Journal of Social Work, 25 p.1019-1029
Artikel i tidskriftMigration, aktivism och teoriutveckling
Maja Sager, Emma Söderman, Vanna Nordling
(2022) FGV working papers
Del av eller Kapitel i bokFrån redaktionen: Levbarhet, motstånd och hopp
Maja Sager, Irina Schmitt
(2022) Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, 43 p.1-6
Artikel i tidskriftFrån redaktionen
Irina Schmitt, Maja Sager
(2022) Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, 43 p.1-3
Artikel i tidskriftClandestine migration facilitation and border spectacle: criminalisation, solidarity, contestations
Marta Kolankiewicz, Maja Sager
(2021) Mobilities, 16 p.584-596
Artikel i tidskriftFeministiska perspektiv på migration och gränser
Maja Sager
(2021) Feministiska perspektiv på global politik , p.119-130
Del av eller Kapitel i bokRättsosäkerheten och nämndepersonerna
Anna Lundberg, Vanna Nordling, Maja Sager, Emma Söderman
(2021) Artikel 14 , p.18-21
Artikel i tidskriftEmerging local solidarities? Local responses to migration to non-urban communities in the south of Sweden
Maja Sager, Vanna Nordling, Emma Söderman
Konferensbidrag: abstractThe court as an arena for social contestations. Conceptualisations and understandings of racism
Maja Sager, Marta Kolankiewicz
Konferensbidrag: abstractStruggles Around Representation and in/Visibility in Everyday Migrant Irregularity in Sweden
Maja Sager
(2018) Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 8 p.175-182
Artikel i tidskriftStruggles over Human Smuggling in Court: Challenging National and European Border Regimes
Maja Sager, Marta Kolankiewicz
Konferensbidrag: abstractAn interview with Bridget Anderson
Maja Sager
(2018) Sociologisk Forskning , p.99-107
Artikel i tidskriftSafety for whom? Exploring femonationalism and care-racism in Sweden
Maja Sager, Diana Mulinari
(2018) Women's Studies International Forum, 68 p.149-156
Artikel i tidskriftArticulations of deportability. Changing migration policies in Sweden 2015/2016
Maja Sager, Klara Öberg
(2017) Refugee Review, III p.2-14
Artikel i tidskriftFrom citizenship to mobile commons : reflections on the local struggles of undocumented migrants in the city of Malmö, Sweden
Vanna Nordling, Maja Sager, Emma Söderman
(2017) Citizenship Studies, 21 p.710-726
Artikel i tidskriftThe court as an emerging arena for struggles against and about racism
Marta Kolankiewicz, Maja Sager
Konferensbidrag: abstractTema: I lagens namn
(2017) Mana : antirasistisk tidskrift, 2017
Artikel i tidskriftThe court as an emerging arena for struggles against and about racism – experiences and strategies of organizations working with law as a tool for social change
Maja Sager, Marta Kolankiewicz
Konferensbidrag: abstractJakt på papperslösa gör oss till en polisstat
Jacob Lind, Pouran Djampour, Maja Sager, Emma Söderman, Vanna Nordling, et al.
(2016) Svenska Dagbladet
TidningsartikelPapperslöshetens o/synlighet i vardag, politik och debatt
Maja Sager
(2016) Irreguljär migration i Sverige. Rättigheter, vardagserfarenheter, motstånd och statliga kategoriseringar , p.113-140
Del av eller Kapitel i bokIntroduktion: Irreguljär migration i Sverige
Maja Sager, Helena Holgersson, Klara Öberg
(2016) Irreguljär migration i Sverige. Rättigheter, vardagserfarenheter, motstånd och statliga kategoriseringar , p.7-48
Del av eller Kapitel i bokArticulations of racialisation and the continuum of deportability. Migration political changes in Sweden 2015/2016
Maja Sager, Klara Öberg
Konferensbidrag: abstractDet utvidgade förvaret
Maja Sager
(2016) Flyktingfängelser : en antologi om Migrationsverkets förvar
Del av eller Kapitel i bokConstructions of Deportability in Sweden. Refused Asylum Seekers’ Experiences in Relation to Gender, Family Life, and Reproduction
Maja Sager
(2016) NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 24 p.30-44
Artikel i tidskriftPrecarity at Work. Asylum rights and paradoxes of labour in Sweden.
Maja Sager
(2015) Vulnerability, Exploitation and Migrants. Insecure Work in a Globalised Economy , p.115-128
Del av eller Kapitel i bokFörändringar och tystnader, utopier och kompromisser. En reflektion över kampen för migranters rättigheter.
Maja Sager
(2015) Vardagens antirasism. Om rörelsens villkor och framväxt i Sverige.
Del av eller Kapitel i bokIrregularity across asylum and labour. Understanding the construction of migrant irregularity in the Swedish context.
Maja Sager, Klara Öberg
Konferensbidrag: abstractA continuum of constraints. Migrants’ experiences of constrained mobility and community building in the UK
Maja Sager
KonferensbidragBorder violence, migration policies and gender / Gränsvåld, migrationspolitik och kön
Maja Sager
KonferensbidragMotherwork i papperslöshet: Om nation, familj och ”kvinnovänlighet”
Maja Sager
(2014) Kritiska gemenskaper: att skriva feministisk och postkolonial vetenskap , p.71-82
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCommunity building and support as responses to isolation and limited mobility in the everyday life of irregular migrants
Maja Sager
KonferensbidragPushing the Boundaries of Asylum: Everyday Resistance in Swedish Clandestinity
Maja Sager
(2014) Immigrant Protest : Politics, Aesthetics, and Everyday Dissent , p.189-209
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMigrant in/visibility. Shifting subjectivities in the everyday life of migrant irregularity in Sweden
Maja Sager
KonferensbidragBook Review: Families Apart: Migrant Mothers and the Conflicts of Labor and Love, by Geraldine Pratt
Maja Sager
(2013) Feminist Review , p.4-5
BokrecensionMothering at the Border. Migrant Families at the Intersections of Nation and Gender
Maja Sager
KonferensbidragClandestinity at work. Links between labour market policy, migration policy and asylum rights in Sweden.
Maja Sager
KonferensbidragFör en feminism som inte kollar passet
Maja Sager
(2012) Omänskliga rättigheter : en antologi om flyktingar och papperslösas situation i Sverige. [Ny, rev. utg.]
Del av eller Kapitel i bokContested Boundaries. An ethnographic study with rejected asylum seekers in their everyday struggle for inclusion.
Maja Sager
Konferensbidrag: abstractFeminism, asylrätt och papperslöshet i Sverige - allianser och paradoxer.
Maja Sager
Konferensbidrag"Gömdhet" på arbetsmarknaden : kopplingar mellan arbetsmarknad, migrationspolitik och asylrätt
Maja Sager
(2011) Arbete : intersektionella perspektiv , p.151-170
Del av eller Kapitel i bokEveryday Clandestinity : Experiences on the Margins of Citizenship and Migration Policies
Maja Sager
DoktorsavhandlingNarratives on Welfare from Its Margins. ‘Clandestine’ Asylum Seekers’ Everyday Experiences in Sweden.
Maja Sager
KonferensbidragNarratives on Welfare from Its Margins. A Feminist Ethnographic Study of Everyday ‘Clandestinity’ in the Swedish Welfare State.
Maja Sager