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Lena Karlsson

Lena Karlsson

Docent | Universitetslektor | Stf Prefekt

Lena Karlsson

We need your story! Autobiographical acts in political campaigns against sexual violence


  • Lena Karlsson

Summary, in English

The paper explores autobiographical narratives of sexual violence in the main solicited, published, and circulated online in relation to various campaigns against sexual violence that in part strives to change the Swedish criminal law on sexual offences. Since 2010, several anti-rape campaigns have used social media platforms for their campaigns and have solicited experiential stories of rape as part of the campaign. What stories of sexual violence are reportable in this context? What stories are deemed politically useful? Experiential narratives have conventionally been used in feminist politics, but how specifically are they used in the current political campaigns against sexual violence? Some of the campaigns explicitly seek a new language to speak of negative sexual situations. What is this “new” language like? What subject positions are available within this new language? How does it relate to the previously “new” narrative on rape established by feminists movements in the 70s (Plummer 1995)?. How can we understand the autobiographical imperative in the current campaigns?


  • Genusvetenskapliga institutionen






Konferensbidrag: abstract


  • Humanities
  • Gender Studies

Conference name

IABA International Auto/Biography Association

Conference date

2016-05-26 - 2016-05-29

Conference place

Nicosia, Cyprus

