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Lena Karlsson

Lena Karlsson

Docent | Universitetslektor | Stf Prefekt

Lena Karlsson

Online Autobiographical Narratives of Sexual Violence


  • Lena Karlsson

Summary, in English

This paper investigates autobiographical narratives of sexual violence published in various online forums. In particular, it investigates narratives published in connection to social movement campaigns aiming to change the Swedish Criminal Law on sexual offences. In Sweden, starting in 2010, major campaigns on sexual violence have used the Internet (and specifically the genres blog and twitter) to mobilize support, and autobiographical narratives form central part of these campaigns. Experiential narratives have conventionally been used in feminist politics, but how specifically are they used in the current political campaigns on sexual violence? What is the relation between experience, narrative and politics in these campaigns? What politics of emotion can be discerned? What stories of victim/perpetrator, agency/victimhood, and subject/object are tellable in this narrative context?


  • Genusvetenskapliga institutionen






Konferensbidrag: abstract


  • Gender Studies


  • rape, autobiographical stories, political campaigns

Conference name

11th European Social Science History Conference, 2016

Conference date

2016-03-30 - 2016-04-02

Conference place

Valencia, Spain

